Care for Your Show Wear
Keeping White Breeches White
Read all our best tips and tricks on how to care for your white show wear to keep it pristine, spotless, and sparkling.
Tue 13 Sep - 22

Care for Your Show Wear
Keeping White Breeches White
Read all our best tips and tricks on how to care for your white show wear to keep it pristine, spotless, and sparkling.
Tue 13 Sep - 22
Are you ready? It’s show season again! Finally, time for that special feeling the evening before a show, when you’re all busy braiding your horse’s mane and packing the trailer… The waking up at 3 am but feeling wide awake and beyond excited for the day to come… Scoring a clean round, getting to stand on the podium and having that reassuring feeling that yes, in the end, hard work does pay off. Horse shows have a magical aura about them, we’d say we can all agree on this!
When in the arena, having the right show wear makes it easier to perform at the highest level and to look your best. Unfortunately, as neat as white show breeches and show shirts look, it’s incredibly easy to get them dirty. In this article, we’ve put together our best tips on how to care for your MD show wear, of course with a focus on our signature product, our breeches.
Read on to learn more about how to keep your show wear neat and spotless. 👇
How do I take care of my white show wear?
First of all, we recommend taking care of your show wear the same as you do with all other products from MD and especially to follow the washing instructions on the care labels. All general washing advice applies, which we have compiled in a neat guide for you here.
However, there are some tips that specifically apply to white show wear: While you should always wash similar colors together, this is especially the case for white breeches and shirts. We recommend washing them exclusively with other white items to prevent staining and to keep their color bright and vibrant. Furthermore, we recommend using a washing detergent for white clothes as these detergents use a specific formula that prevents discoloration. Always check the instructions for the detergent that you want to use to get the right dosage.
How do I prevent stains on my white breeches?
The most annoying thing about white breeches must be that they stain so quickly and that the stains are visible from a mile away. Our best advice for when it comes to stains? Don’t let them happen in the first place! White breeches usually get dirty while handling and grooming your horse, not so much during the actual riding. Therefore, many equestrians wear darker, looser fitting pants over their white breeches to prevent staining while they’re getting ready. You can find the perfect cover up pants here.
Also, to prevent staining from happening in the first place, we recommend being cautious when using dark oil or leather fat on your saddle the days before a show. Treating your leather products is important and makes for a great polished look while competing, but the products you use could cause staining on bright clothes. We therefore recommend using any care products sparingly and to make sure that they’ve completely dried before coming in close contact with bright fabrics.
How do I remove stains from my white breeches?
Ok, but what if you tried your best and you still managed to get a nasty stain on your breeches? It happens to the best of us. And in this case, as always: Quick action is key! Most stains are removable if they are treated before they have time to dry. So, if possible, pre-treat the stained area by hand immediately: Soak and rinse the stain with ice-cold water and a little bit of neutral soap. The cold water will prevent the stain from setting and rubbing the fresh stain with soap gives you the best chance of a quick removal. If at hand, you can also pretreat the area with a stain remover, in this case always follow the instructions on the product you are about to use and make sure it’s appropriate for the material.
Can I bleach my white breeches?
As mentioned on the care labels in our products, we recommend not bleaching your clothes from MD. While many riders opt to use bleach on their white breeches, and this works well for the cotton fabrics that breeches used to be made from, bleach degrades the fibers on modern materials like spandex and polyester. Bleaching your breeches from Maya Delorez could therefore lead to a loss of their beloved properties, like their snug and flexible fit.
Are there alternatives to white show breeches?
You might wonder: “Why do I even have to wear white breeches in a sport that will almost 100% get them dirty?” Luckily, in many countries it’s absolutely fine to wear beige, champagne, or tan-colored breeches at shows – a fashionable alternative to the classic white and also somewhat more stain-repellent. If you’re looking for beige breeches, we got you covered!
With these tips, you are ready to tackle this year’s show season. Team MD wishes you the best of luck!
Still in need of the perfect show wear for all your upcoming events? Take a look here!