Madelene Törnblom:

Three-Year Anniversary Story

In 2021, Maya Delorez turned three years old. Time flies when you’re having fun – read our Founder and CEO Madelene Törnblom’s words about the journey.


Thu 27 May - 21

“They say that ‘Time flies when you’re having fun’ and never before has a quote felt so accurate. Three years have passed since I started Maya Delorez and I can barely believe it. In a way, it feels like yesterday – but at the same time, so much has happened since then. It really has been a hell of a ride so far and this is just the beginning.

Growing up in a small town with a close family has truly shaped my life and made me the person I am today. I am very blessed to have had this childhood and the support from my family because they gave me the stepping-stone to always believe in myself. From the start, I was never the typical girl playing with dolls, I have always been obsessed with horses. 

As I look back today, I think about the impact that horses had on my early life. Training, competing, and taking care of horses was a huge responsibility and taught me the power of discipline. From waking up early to taking care of the horses, it’s not something you do once or twice a week; it’s an everyday job. Completing these daily tasks taught me how to handle difficult situations, communicate, solve problems, and, most importantly, to never give up. So having those life lessons early on gave me the advantage to have a strong work ethic and push me towards my goals.

"I have nothing but excitement for what the future has in store for Maya Delorez."

– Madelene Törnblom

I started Maya Delorez when I was 20 years old. Some may question how you know what your dream is at such a young age. But I truly always knew that I wanted to be a part of the equestrian community in some way. I just needed to find the right fit for me, and my path was Maya.

Starting Maya was a big risk, I invested everything that I had. And to be honest, throwing myself out there without any experience or knowledge of running a business was a bit scary. But my vision was so clear from the start: I wanted to create one of the world’s leading equestrian brands. I decided to give it 100 percent and from that point on, I’ve worked days and nights. Today I can honestly say that it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

"As I look back today, I think about the impact that horses had on my early life. Training, competing, and taking care of horses was a huge responsibility and taught me the power of discipline."

– Madelene Törnblom

Running a global brand is extremely similar to how athletes train for competitions. Early mornings and late nights, all year round. It’s all about the hustle mentality because nothing comes for free, and you have to be willing to give it your all. Today (in 2021) we are shipping to over 60 countries and it feels so surreal to see people from all around the world wearing our products. We have an assortment including more than 170 products on our website and our products are worn and loved by all demographics. I don’t think that I will ever get used to being contacted by riders from all ages and countries saying 'Your brand has totally changed my way of thinking about breeches and equestrian wear'. 

It’s crazy to think about how this idea started just a few years ago and that it’s now a global brand collaborating with big profiles that I have looked up to. I will never take that for granted. 

As we move forward, I have nothing but excitement for what the future has in store for Maya Delorez. Turning three is such a huge and humbling milestone, and as I mentioned earlier: we are just getting started. Our main goal is to make Maya Delorez the leading equestrian brand in the world and together with our community I’m sure we’ll make it.

I really couldn’t have gone this far without saying a huge thanks to all of our amazing loyal customers worldwide, my family, and of course my incredible team. Thank you! 🖤 "


Madelene Törnblom

Founder and CEO of Maya Delorez

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