Callie Menut
Five Tips to Make It as a Flat Rider
The best tips on how to make it as a flat rider – by Swiss professional 5* flat rider Callie Menut. Find out now >
Fri 14 Jul - 23

Callie Menut
Five Tips to Make It as a Flat Rider
The best tips on how to make it as a flat rider – by Swiss professional 5* flat rider Callie Menut. Find out now >
Fri 14 Jul - 23
Are you dreaming of a career in the equestrian industry? Callie Menut is living the dream that so many horse enthusiasts hope for: As a 5* flat rider, her daily responsibilities involve training up to nine show horses and making sure that they thrive well under her care. Maya Delorez asked her to share her five best tips for aspiring flat riders – and you’ll find them here. 👇
1. Trust
"Being straightforward and honest will take you a long way. If your team and rider trust you, they will be more inclined in giving you responsibilities and letting you have freedom in the planning and riding."
2. Ask questions
"Especially when you start out in a new job, don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as needed but also keep your eyes and ears open. Each stable has its own system and there is always something to learn. Don’t hesitate to talk with every professional who comes to the stable or who you see at the show, most people love talking about them and their job and sharing their experience."
3. Precision
"If you are home alone riding, as we often are as flat riders, be strict with yourself, more than with your horses! Bad habits come fast when you don’t have someone on the ground pointing them out to you."
4. Awareness
"You will get to know your horses well. Being careful of any changes you can notice, losing or gaining weight, muscles, energy or so many other variables, are essential to notice. It is difficult to remember everything and your memory will alternate your objectivity, so write your observations down to be able to come back to them if needed (i.e. talking with the vet/osteo/blacksmith)."
5. Positivity
"Everybody likes having a positive spirit in the stable! Setbacks can be tough in the horse world, so being level headed and positive will be a great influence on the other members of your team, both humans and horses."