André Brandt's Exercise:
Warm-up With Transitions
“This is the perfect exercise to do during your warm-up to check the gas, brakes and communication.”
Thu 22 Aug - 24

André Brandt's Exercise:
Warm-up With Transitions
“This is the perfect exercise to do during your warm-up to check the gas, brakes and communication.”
Thu 22 Aug - 24
Gas. Brakes. Responsiveness. It might sound simple, but as riders we know that the basics are the key to a successful riding session. This exercise is perfect for fine-tuning your horse’s responsiveness during warm-up. Join us as André Brandt guides us through one of his go-to exercises.
Step 1
“Start out in a trot. Choose a point on one of the far sides where you transition to a walk. Repeat the transition in the exact same spot and try using your voice to reinforce the aids. The idea is that the horse will learn that you want to slow down at precisely that spot.”
Step 2
“When you have the first step down, you can try to add a transition also on the other far side. Avoid adding the transition on the short side – you want the horse to drive forwards there.”
Step 3
“To increase the difficulty, you can try to do the transitions only using your voice. You can also try adding a transition on the centerline, to move away from the walls of the arena.”
Step 4
“When you feel good about the previous steps and the horse listens to you, you can try to do this exercise at a canter and transition to a trot or walk at the points. It’s important that you consistently execute the transitions at the same points so that the horse learns to respond to the smallest aids possible.”
“The exercise is about getting your horse responsive, and step by step making it a little harder as the horse gradually masters the exercise. I like to think it’s with horses like it is with dogs. You don’t teach a dog to sit in the shopping mall, you teach a dog to sit at home, in an environment where they feel calm and safe. When they can do the task at home, you can try it also outside of the home. It’s the same thing with horses, you need to practice what’s difficult in a safe environment so they understand what you want from them when you’re at a show”.