5* Flat Rider Callie Menut:
“Things I Always Check Before a Riding Session”
We had Callie Menut on the line, and of course we took the opportunity to ask a few questions. Read about what Callie always checks before a training session. ✔
Thu 12 Sep - 24

5* Flat Rider Callie Menut:
“Things I Always Check Before a Riding Session”
We had Callie Menut on the line, and of course we took the opportunity to ask a few questions. Read about what Callie always checks before a training session. ✔
Thu 12 Sep - 24
“I always start by preparing the horse that I’ll be riding. It's a great time to check that their body and attitude are normal: no swelling, scratches, or sensitive areas.”
“Then, when tacking up my horse, I make sure that the saddle pad is in the correct place and pulled away from the withers, that the back pad isn't crooked, and that the bridle fits the horse's head. I ride all the horses in a simple snaffle as I like to keep things as simple as possible!"
“Being attentive to every detail is a big part of my job. Even when leading the horse to the mounting block, I find myself listening to their walk. Is it a steady and normal walk? Or is a shoe loose? Do they maybe look fresh and like they're overeager to play? If so, I would add some earplugs and a soundproof bonnet to avoid conflict.”
“When I get on the horse, this “check-up” continues. I always start with a 20-minute walk. We have a little trail ride that’s perfect to go back and forth on for this purpose. Then, I let them stretch and start with a long and low neck at a slow trot. I pay attention to if anything is out of the ordinary: if the horse is stiff, has sore muscles from intense training, is breathing normally, is tired or not. I then adapt my work plan accordingly!”